Regardless of our gender, age, race, cultural background, education, one can find warmth expanding in each of our body parts.
Reality perceived through the Love lens expands the world and our eyes flicker with enjoyment. Our affection isn’t limited to our selected partner; but extends towards our dearest ones, ourselves, and ultimately towards life itself. It enriches our interaction with the world, coloring its experience with trust, wonder and even health. In our body, fifty trillion-minute human-like cells work together that help each other accomplish pumping our heart, breathing our lungs and all the millions of tasks that need to happen. When we feel “love,” our cells have the vibration of love and change our perceived world.
Love grows, love overgrows our own self. It is the one that makes us greater in life, love is the constant that keeps us balanced and healthy in a continually changing world, and builds a solid supporting core that helps us in our evolution.